Monday, May 23, 2011

Club World Cup, Still A Go in Japan!

The World Cup despite the March 11th disasters is still on board to take place in Japan this year. The biggest worry for the other countries teams is concerning that of the radiation disaster. According to a recent twitter post by NewsQuake FIFA president Sepp Blatter declared to the public that the world cup will indeed continue as planed to take place in Japan soon after he was assured that the players in the world cup would not be effected by the Nearly Destroyed Nuclear Plant 150 miles north of Tokyo. The World Cup should bring an even greater determination to the Japanese people to overcome the disaster as well as keep the people strong and hopeful. In the article the FIFA president said “Through football there is hope,” which is sure to be true for the people of Japan as people from all over the world flock to Japan to cheer for the world cup proving that all of Japan isn’t a “red zone” dangerous and unapproachable but will show that Japan is still a strong and resilient country and still retains its pride despite the disasters. To some the continuing of the World Cup in Japan after this disaster is considered nothing short of a miracle.

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