Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2020 Olympic Games in Japan?!

Japan plans to bid for the 2020 Olympic games to be held in Tokyo according to a TSN news article. Japan, still suffering from the aftermath of the March 11th magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami, is working hard to get things "back to normal" as well as trying their best to maintain their dignity and pride not only of their country but their people as well. Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara is very much so in favor of Tokyo Japan biding for the Olympic games to take place there despite the resent devastation Ishihara is often quoted as saying, "It's best to keep the torch burning," according to the TSN news article. It is a wonder that Japan despite its catastrophe is pushing so hard to not only continue international events already planned but is also pushing for even more international events to take place there. Considering the resent catastrophe it would be fair to say that no one would blame Japan for "taking it easy" for a while and not campaigning as they usually would for more events to take place in Japan while it strives to recover. The country’s determination to continue fully and one may say even push harder for such cumbersome, stressful and costly events such as the Olympic Games to take place in Japan is not only amazing but respectable. It shows the resolve of the Japanese people and their ability to over come this grate adversity. The rezoning behind Japan pushing so hard for the 2020 Olympics to take place there is the idea that in hopes of hosting this world wide event they will be able to as the Japan Olympic Committee president Tsunekazu Takeda says, “a bid by Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics could go a long way in helping Japan rebuild from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March.”

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