Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nuclear Power is still a Go!

Disaster doesn’t scare away the use of Nuclear Power Plants.
Even though the devastating disaster in Japan when the nuclear power plant exploded and has and continues to cause many problems the industries of Japan still plan on using nuclear energy as a main power source according to an article at
The ongoing radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant caused by the earthquake and proceeding tsunami in March are not considered enough of a negative to outweigh the positives of using nuclear power. According to top government officials Japan plans to continue to maintain their use of nuclear power.
Although three power plants have been halted in Hamaoka of central Japan due to curtain safety concerns. These safety concerns are described by Japan’s Prim Minister Naoto Kan as dew to the fact that the three active reactors of the Hamaoka plant are at a very high risk of massive earthquakes due to there location on the Pacific Ring of Fire. A ring of fire is a geological term for the separations between the earth’s tectonic plates. Often on the edges of these tectonic plates there are earthquake belts or places that tend to be home to earthquakes and active volcanoes. Japan currently has 54 nuclear reactors all of these nuclear reactors have been and are currently being reviewed by the Japanese government to insure there safety since the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 that severely damaged the Fukushima nuclear plant that has caused the many radiation leaks. The March nuclear disaster has been the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986 although arguably this disaster has been handled rather well in comparison. It is up to the individual in the end to decide whether this call by Japan is a good or bad course of action having on the one hand the plentiful benefits of the use of nuclear energy and on the other hand the possibility of radiation leaks or other complications. The future alone will revel the result as being profitable or disastrous.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pop Star is CGI!

Digital is the new real and is the best new thing. According to the popular Japanese pop music group known as AKB 48’s newest member is reveled as being completely computer-generated/CGI. Aimi Eguchi first appeared as a member of AKB 48 in a commercial for the candy maker Ezaki Glico along with some of the other members of AKB 48.  Fan’s immediately fell in love with her some even claimed she was now the most beautiful of the whole group.  Aimi Eguchi’s fans were extremely surprised to find out that she wasn’t real but rather made completely on a computer. The candy company finally released an amazing making-of video that took viewers step by step through the process of the creation and putting together of Aimi Eguchi. The end result of Aimi Eguchi is simply amazing even after fan’s learned the truth behind Aimi they could not tell the difference between Aimi, the computer generated star, and the real pop idols. The creators of Aimi were so exact in there making of her in fact that viewers could watch the Ezaki Glico commercial over and over again and still not be able to pinpoint any unrealistic features in Aimi that the other stars did not have.  As one could imagine some of AKB 48’s fans were extremely disappointed to find out the truth behind there new beloved star being nothing more than 150 gigabytes of data, many other fans just simply started liking her even more. Aimi Eguchi is a 100% pure idol. When looking in deeper into the creation of Aimi one will find that she was created by putting together traits of the other real members of AKB 48 that the fans admired the most and putting them all together it is no wonder that she became so popular so fast. Who knows there might even be many more CGI pop stars that we don’t even know about?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gaga for Japan

Lady Gaga arrived in Japan on June 21st to help raise money for the victims in northeast Japan as well as promoting her new album, many news articles report.  This is a continuing effort by Lady Gaga. Originally Lady Gaga designed a "pray for Japan" bracelet soon after she heard about the disaster each bracelet cost five dollars and all proceeds went to help the victims and rebuild Japan. In an interview Lady Gaga said, "This is an example of using fashion to do good." It is amazing all of the effort that Lady Gaga is putting in for the people of Japan it is safe to say that Lady Gaga fans as well as everyone else considers this a very admirable act. According to Forbes magazine, Lady Gaga is ranked as this year’s most powerful celebrity making her appearance and support for Japan even more influential and meaningful. So far Lady Gaga’s creation and promotion of the “pray for Japan” bracelets as well as her other contributions has enabled her to contribute a very generous $3 million for the people in the disaster zones according to Kyodo news agency. The charity event Lady Gaga is participating in, in Japan is to take place in Chiba Japan Saturday June 25th 2011.  In addition to raising money at the charity event Lady Gada’s performance in Japan will also hopefully give the Japanese tourism a boost after its dramatic drop following the March 11th disaster. Judging sully from the people who arrived at the airport to greet Lady Gaga upon her arrival in Japan it is safe to say that this event will bring a lot of benefit to the people of Japan. It should be interesting to see the end results of Lady Gaga’s appearance in Japan and how much her contribution helps with the relief effort.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Dispare and Fear in Japan

Twitter's newsquake reported a resent finding of an earless bunny found near the nuclear power plant disaster. This unusual find is rekindling fears of the radiation damage that may have harmed the people in Japan. The reason that this find is so scary is because it could possibly be a sign that humans may experience extreme medical problems and complications like the earless bunny. Radiation has always scared the people of the world in regards to cancer. Even with the Japanese government putting restrictions on goods that come from the surrounding areas of the nuclear plant and the scare of contaminated fish making people more cautious can't stop all the problems that the released radiation can cause. It is unknown still as of yet if any peoples have been seriously harmed by the abnormal exposure to radiation but since the life expectancy of rabbits is so much shorter than that of a humans the poor earless bunny may possibly be showing a devastating future for the people of Japan. In addition to the "bunny scare" things are becoming even more terrifying in Japan as its already high suicide rates shoot up drastically following the disaster. Many farmers are completely out of business now due to the restrictions on the transferring and selling of possibly radiation infected food leaving people without any income in this critical time it can be seen somewhat the cause of the increased suicide rates. The devastation of many people losing friends and family to the disaster also increases the depression levels that make people more susceptible to suicide. The devastation in Japan seems to as of now continues for many people without an end in sight. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2020 Olympic Games in Japan?!

Japan plans to bid for the 2020 Olympic games to be held in Tokyo according to a TSN news article. Japan, still suffering from the aftermath of the March 11th magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami, is working hard to get things "back to normal" as well as trying their best to maintain their dignity and pride not only of their country but their people as well. Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara is very much so in favor of Tokyo Japan biding for the Olympic games to take place there despite the resent devastation Ishihara is often quoted as saying, "It's best to keep the torch burning," according to the TSN news article. It is a wonder that Japan despite its catastrophe is pushing so hard to not only continue international events already planned but is also pushing for even more international events to take place there. Considering the resent catastrophe it would be fair to say that no one would blame Japan for "taking it easy" for a while and not campaigning as they usually would for more events to take place in Japan while it strives to recover. The country’s determination to continue fully and one may say even push harder for such cumbersome, stressful and costly events such as the Olympic Games to take place in Japan is not only amazing but respectable. It shows the resolve of the Japanese people and their ability to over come this grate adversity. The rezoning behind Japan pushing so hard for the 2020 Olympics to take place there is the idea that in hopes of hosting this world wide event they will be able to as the Japan Olympic Committee president Tsunekazu Takeda says, “a bid by Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics could go a long way in helping Japan rebuild from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March.”