Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nuclear Power is still a Go!

Disaster doesn’t scare away the use of Nuclear Power Plants.
Even though the devastating disaster in Japan when the nuclear power plant exploded and has and continues to cause many problems the industries of Japan still plan on using nuclear energy as a main power source according to an article at
The ongoing radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant caused by the earthquake and proceeding tsunami in March are not considered enough of a negative to outweigh the positives of using nuclear power. According to top government officials Japan plans to continue to maintain their use of nuclear power.
Although three power plants have been halted in Hamaoka of central Japan due to curtain safety concerns. These safety concerns are described by Japan’s Prim Minister Naoto Kan as dew to the fact that the three active reactors of the Hamaoka plant are at a very high risk of massive earthquakes due to there location on the Pacific Ring of Fire. A ring of fire is a geological term for the separations between the earth’s tectonic plates. Often on the edges of these tectonic plates there are earthquake belts or places that tend to be home to earthquakes and active volcanoes. Japan currently has 54 nuclear reactors all of these nuclear reactors have been and are currently being reviewed by the Japanese government to insure there safety since the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 that severely damaged the Fukushima nuclear plant that has caused the many radiation leaks. The March nuclear disaster has been the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986 although arguably this disaster has been handled rather well in comparison. It is up to the individual in the end to decide whether this call by Japan is a good or bad course of action having on the one hand the plentiful benefits of the use of nuclear energy and on the other hand the possibility of radiation leaks or other complications. The future alone will revel the result as being profitable or disastrous.

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