Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fukushima's plead for Help

The world needs to help the people of Fukushima before it is to late. On July 15 2011 the people of Fukushima sent out an S.O.S. video found at pleading for the people of the world to help them evacuate there children from the harmful radiation.  The people of Fukushima should have been evacuated immediately once the Fukushima power plant exploded on March 11 but were not. A representative of a network to protect the Fukushima children from radiation named Nakate says, more than three months following the accident, “We know the government is not telling us the truth,” concerning the harmfulness of the radiation to there people. “We ask for an evacuation order for us and our children,” says Nakate. Nakate says that “neither the Japanese government nor the local authorities call for an evacuation,” and thus the people have to figure it out themselves. The people plead for national as well as international support to get them evacuated from the dangerous area. “Please help us save our children,” pleads Nakate.

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