Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Surfers' Paradise to be Reborn

Paradise is being restored.  An article found at revels surfers’ efforts to restore the Namiita beach back to its surfing glory it had before the March 11 tsunami.  The Namiita beach is a place where the waves are picture perfect for surfers of all ability levels in fact locally the Namiita beach of the Iwate Prefecture in Japan has been called “a surfers’ paradise.” One surfer in particular practically lives at Namiita beach. Hiroshi Sugimoto, now a professional surfer, first started his treks to Namiita beach from the neighboring city of Kamaishi when he was a middle school student. Sugimoto eventually opened up his own surf shop right next to the beach and gives surfing lessons to the local high school students. Although his life was thrown through a loop on March 11 when the tsunami hit Japan. Sugimoto recalls that day on March 11 as what appeared to be another normal day at work at his surf shop until suddenly he felt the massive jolt of the earthquake. Upon feeling the immense earthquake Sugimoto fled his surf shop and evacuated to a hill close by. From the hill Sugimoto watched in terror as the entire town was literally swallowed up by the following tsunami. The tsunami destroyed near by buildings not to mention Sugimoto’s surf shop. The debris from the destroyed buildings and other structures were swept into the sea and much of the debris remained in and on the shore of Namiita beach trashing the beach with pieces of houses, furniture and locals random household items, items which were mostly ruined beyond repair.  Sugimoto almost gave up on surfing again at the Namiita beach because of all the debris and damage but after being encouraged by a friend who’s house had been swept away Sugimoto decided to take action in restoring the beach to its former glory. Sugimoto directly contacted surfers and put out a notice on his Web site asking for help in his endeavor to clean up the beach. In response to his plea about 120 surfers gathered together at the beach and started picking up debris. Although this act helped there is still a lot that needs to be done to restore the beach to its former “surfers paradise” but already Sugimoto has scheduled another group clean up and repair date and says that he is willing to continue to work towards restoring the Nimiita beach even if it takes years of effort.

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